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Event Series Event Series: Cross Thirst Bible Study Prayer Group
Cross Thirst Bible Study prayer group meets once in two weeks (or so).  All are welcome to a Holy Spirit experience of encountering the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Mary in scripture.  We meet remotely on Webex.   [Be sure that you have a camera and audio that is compatible with Webex as the study has a power-point component to this.] Our next meeting is Friday, April 14, 2023 from 8:00-9:30 p.m.  Annet O’Mara, the facilitator, will give a teaching on Chapters 29-35 of Genesis.  Please read a chapter a day before the meeting or at least some chapters to come to this Bible study.

The Crosst Thirst Bible study has a format.

1)Meet and Greet — Verbally or via Chat Box.
2)Opening Prayer to the Holy Spirit, a set prayer or Spontaneous Prayer….
3) Testimony — Brief praise reports (remember to be accurate, brief, and Christ-centered).
4)Bible Study Teaching (Power-Point) — 35-45 minutes (recorded) and folks will be asked to keep their mics. muted during this time.
5) Sharing from the group based on chapters — this will not be recorded for privacy purposes.  This happens only after the teaching.
What is God speaking to me, personally, through the biblical stories?  How is God moving in salvation history?
6)Petitions mentioned by group members briefly.
7) Prayer Intercessions Lifted Up
8) Closing Prayer.
Contact:  Annet O’Mara — to get the link to Webex.

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